Helping Kids with ADD through Neurofeedback
Kids are very crafty. They may struggle with one area of their brain, but they figure out ways to work around it. For example, if a child has too much slow day dreamy waves around the front of the head, this can present as tuning out. It is a drowsy state that the child will use movement to re alert them. This keeps their brain more awake and actually easier for them to take in information. We see this as fidgeting and being distracted, when actually they are trying to stay on task the best way they know how. A company created the fidget for this reason. It is a great tool for kids, or adults, to play with while staying on task. A more long term approach could be doing neurofeedback training to help the child rewire their neurons to be able to be more alert on their own, without having to use external methods. This particular presentation is often diagnosed as ADHD as you have likely already guessed.
At Elite Physiology we aren’t in the business of diagnosing or treating people, but seeing what patterns are going on in the brain and helping that person more permanently change those patterns to ones that work for them. This is about peak performance in life. In the office when adults come in, they are usually there because of their adult relationships with others that are close to them may be struggling. Since they already struggled as a child, they went down a road to figure out what job worked best for their brain and where they wanted to live, basically building around their brain. This often works wonderfully and a person can thrive in the work they have chosen, but they may hit a road block in their personal relationships. For this person, we want to make sure we just help them train the areas they want to improve, and either leave these super hero powers in their brain for work they have, or teach them how to turn them off and back on so they can use them in the work place, and turn it off when they get home. As kids, they also get to make these choices, what do they like, and what do they feel is holding them back? In addition, kid’s brains are even easier to rewire, they are always learning new things and changing their brain pattern, so this often fits in with their normal life.